Monday 2 February 2015

Set Design Journals

Set Design Journal                                                                  Ms. Lindenberg
Create a journal that you will add to over the semester. You are expected to write three of the four journal entries. These will be marked and provide part of your overall mark. Each journal response will be marked out of 20.

Journal One           Due Date: Thursday February 26th

  1. People in our production bring certain specific strengths with them. Identify the artistic strengths you bring to this class.

  1. What skills do you hope to get from this class?

Journal Two          Due Date: Thursday March 12th

  1. What aspect of the set have you been focusing on so far? How have you been able to contribute to the overall design?

  1. Explain, in detail, the research that you have done for your contributions. (set décor, props, hair makeup)

Journal Three       Due Date: Thursday April 16th

1.      Now that you have had some time to learn more about the overall shape of the play, devise a plan to move the set pieces on and off the stage.

2.      What colour scheme do you think would work best in the Mad Hatter’s party? Why?

Journal Four         Due Date: Thursday May 21st 

  1. What were the most enjoyable aspects of the Set Design process? How could you change it so it was better?

  1. Give an honest assessment of the production values of Alice in Wonderland. What aspects of the set, costume, props, etc. really worked? What were you proudest of and what would you have changed?

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