Saturday 28 February 2015

character sketch

Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland Character Sketch 
Due Date - February 27, 2015

In order to play your character in a convincing way, you must consider his/her motivation.
Developing an understanding of why certain characters do what they do or say what they say, helps the actor make effective choices for dramatic movement, facial expressions and voice. Attempting to determine a character’s motivation also improves the authenticity of relationships between the characters on stage. An effective way of figuring out a character;s motivation is to ask and then answer a series of questions.
Note: Use information provided in the script and your imagination to answer the following questions. Some information about your character you might be inherent in the script while the majority of details about your charter you might have to create. Try to give as many specific examples as possible and include any additional information that you feel is relevant to understanding your character.

Part A: My Character’s Most Treasured Item
Your task is to find or create a specific item that your character would consider to be his/her most treasured item (e.g. family photo, a necklace, a postcard, etc.) and share it with the rest of the cast. Think specifically about what motivates your character in: life” and what materials things would be of great importance to him/her. Use your imagination!!
You will present your item to the class as well as chance in a one page (D/S) typed report describing why this item is significant.

Part B: Character Biography Your task is to create a biography for your character using the following information. Think of a creative way to present your information (Scrapbook, Biographical Sheet, Story, Magazine Article etc.) As long as your biography contains the appropriate information, your format can take any form- with in reason!
a) Personal Information: Name, Age, DOB, Height, Weight, Appearance.
b) Family: How does your character’s past effect how they are feeling/behaving now?
c) How does your character move? (quirks, qualities, voice, gestures, habits)
d) What is the relationship of your character to other characters on stage? How do other characters interact with your character? What clues in the script help to explain these relationships? (choose a few of the most important relationship to examine) e) Favourites: Food, Colour, Music, Movies, Books, etc.

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