Tuesday 28 April 2015

The Absolute Final to do

Wednesday is our final painting party.
Here is the list:
Paint inside of triangles cloud white,  Mark vertical lines on white, Paint black stripes
Fix up tree drop with new fabrics and silk flowers
Stain wooden spoonsFix flaps so they stay open
Fix black curtains to cover
Touch up floor
Fix up mushroom costume, mushroom put lining in
Hang and focus lights, set up a cue sheet with levels
Get dirt and paint off front curtain, 
Get blue bulbs for along the side of the aud backstage
Decide on final to do for costumes list -mock turtle, dodo, lori,Humpty Dumpty bow tie and arm holes
List of makeup to buy
Finish taking cast and crew pictures for program, 
Prime and paint triangle for photos 
Augment main display with dates, etc., Print photos
Spray paint tap shoes black
All characters need to finalize shoes
buy out tickets
fix shelf
Final announcement for buyout

People to sell buy in tickets on Monday

Other  things? Lunchbox???

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