Sunday 22 March 2015

End of March To Do

Exactly six weeks from now, Alice will be on stage awaiting its first audience. The final dress rehearsal will just be finishing, and the actors and backstage crew will be revising a few things to prepare for their first audience.
At this point, the following things need to get done:
Set: paint final chair, assemble, choose colour for table legs, choose 5th chair
Design wall and fireplace stones in colour rendering, paint both as per design
find appropriate fabric for conversion of two chairs into bench- design, cut, sew and paint
Movie Screen: hang by new method
Prop-Making: Make all final props- team to make up list, gather materials
Promotion: Finish high res version of poster Monday, choose paper for poster and tickets
design ad for paper, update social media, in-school promo
Costumes: Create list of to do's and list for Angela's help
Program: sell ads!- need final copy in four weeks.
Video: finish editing stop-motion animation, Cheshire Cat video
Fund-Raising: period 3- raffle, variety of activities, etc.

 Downtown Toronto on Wednesday!!

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