Sunday, 9 November 2014

Shadow Puppets

Shadow puppets are rarely seen in use. They may be exploited for setting the scene, transitions or creating fantasy elements. Just imagine the possibilities!

Friday, 31 October 2014

Info about the original Alice

"Although the stories were written for and inspired by the brunette Alice Liddell, when it came time for Tenniel to create the illustrations, Carroll sent him a photo of blonde Mary Hilton-Badcock as his image of what Alice should look like. Early color illustrations of Alice show a girl with long blonde hair, wearing either a blue dress with a white pinafore, or a yellow dress with a blue and white pinafore."

Arthur Rackham

This year's production will combine all the wonderful language of the original story with modern technology. This image by Arthur Rackham has an abstracted feeling that we will try to achieve.

Beginning a New Project

So much has been written about Alice in Wonderland, that research into this topic should be fairly simple. Loads of lovely illustrations exist that clearly communicate the feeling of the story.

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